Where do you ship from?

All of our sellers are located in the United States. The shipping origin differs based on each individual seller.

How can I contact a seller for product inquiries?

To contact a seller regarding a specific product, simply navigate to the product page and look for the "Contact Seller" button located below the product description. Clicking on this button will allow you to send a message directly to the seller, where you can inquire about product details, availability, or any other questions you may have.

What if I have a problem with my order?

If you encounter any issues with your order, such as missing items, damaged goods, or other concerns, please contact the seller directly for assistance. You can do this by clicking on the "Contact Seller" button on the product page or reaching out to them through your order history. If you're unable to resolve the issue with the seller, our customer support team is here to help.

Can I return or exchange items purchased on PetShop.org?
  1. Return and exchange policies vary depending on the seller. We recommend reviewing the seller's policies listed on their product pages or contacting them directly for information about returns and exchanges. PetShop.org strives to facilitate smooth transactions and satisfactory resolutions for both buyers and sellers.